You are welcome to listen to some of the interviews with Francesca Mason Boring. Perhaps something in this will speak to you.
Heal Yourself & Your Family Baggage-Constellation Work w Francesca Mason Boring & Davina Kotulski
2024 Resonance Summit Free Replays: The Playful Resonance of Nature & Family Systems with Francesca Mason Boring (other programs available including Sarah Peyton, Keynote)
Conversations with Colleagues: Diana Claire Douglas, Sneh Victoria Schnabel, Anngwyn St. Just & Francesca Mason Boring on Collective Constellations
The Moonlit Path Podcast: The expansive Soul with Francesca Mason Boring in conversation with Laure Porché
What is Nature Constellation? Francesca Mason-Boring interviewed by Anel Hamersma of REAL Academy.
Minding the Soul Meditation with Francesca Mason Boring, Narrated by Soul Voyager: Leslie Chiechanowski
Francesca Mason Boring with Aleksandra Shymina: Ancestors and Family Systems Constellation
Podcast: Nature Constellations: The Earthy Kind of Sacred with Francesca Mason Boring. Podcast with Candice Wu, Awareness: Ancient Body Wisdom, Love & Wisdom (a little echo early in the interview, but it resolves quickly)
Conscious Connection: Interviewed by Gary Stuart 12/5/2015
Interview with Kim Leischner, BE THE CHANGE, Enlightening Leaders Podcast
Racism, Slavery, Colonization-Systemic View Honored to have participated in this film by Maria Gorjao Henriques, Consciencia Sistemica, Potugal (English and some translation to English)
The Roots of Exclusion; Becoming Inclusive & Growing Together: Conversation with Alexandra Tatiana Finkelstein Franyuti and Francesca Mason Boring