Voices from the Circle


 Hello Francesca – I’ve been prodded to write to you for quite some time and report on my personal outcomes since my constellation experience with you.

I find reports from clients in the first days or few weeks of an experience encouraging, however, when reports come back months or years after the event I believe them more meaningful.

I want thank you for the gifts I received, I found your work refreshing, informative, educational, transformational etc. You exemplify what a constellation facilitator should aspire to, particularly in the context of integrity, compassion, humility, acceptance, non judgment and technical competence.  –D.W.

The blessings of your constellations training continue for me, and I am so appreciative for the opportunity to study with you.  –S.R.

Thank you for everything you have taught me implicitly or explicitly!  Thank you for your support of my work. It was from the Advanced that I found my niche in Constellation Work: doing medical related workshops which are in alignment with my background.  –N.T.

⊕With gratitude I accept the safe space you held for me without judgement.  -P.B.

⊕You have taught me to work with joy, connectedness and authenticity. S.R.

Since the constellation, I’ve felt an opening and a lightness that is really new. It’s not exactly that the judgments are gone, it’s more that they don’t take as much space, and have very little impact on my capacity to fully appreciate the other person. I also feel way more capacity for fun and playfulness, and ability to be in the moment. The constant distance I had with myself has shrunk considerably. It’s a lovely feeling and I’m so grateful. -L.P.

Thank you for this training which is life changing! Yes, the deep work unfolds every weekend with you, your work, the exercises you offer us to explore & in between. Thank you for all your recommendations of further resources & reading, my constellation pile is growing & I immerse & await them with such satisfaction.  I continue to be inspired by your honoring & respecting all, victims, perpetrators & everything in between –K.L.

Respectful, empowering, naturally efficient; mysteriously tenderizing, connecting, awakening; reliably rich, abundant, full and complete…the antidote to those other ways of teaching and learning that frankly had jammed up my head and weakened my spine and led me to think it’s just fine to think alone, in small-minded, disconnected, reductionist ways.  Finally! The Circle, Ahhhhh! –K.S.

⊕I really enjoyed the whole workshop, and was very touched by much of what took place.

Less than a week after the workshop I spent quite a bit of time with my family.  My visit seemed very timely, and I experienced a new openness of communication with several of the family members.  In particular, I had a very lovely time with my son who shared very openly and without blame how his childhood had been for him and what his experience within the family had been.  This is something that we have been moving toward for quite some time and this summer he made a big change in his life which greatly altered how he feel about himself.  Nevertheless, I have a sense that whatever it was that took place in the constellation somehow contributed to this shift in how we are relating.

My relationship with my sister was also more open and warm than it has been for a long time.

Thank you again for the lovely introduction to this work.  It was such a pleasure to meet you in this way. -A.G.