
Subscribe to the International Systems Constellation Journal, The Knowing Field:

The Knowing Field is currently the only international English-language journal available on constellation work.  This professional journal has contributors from across the globe and is a foremost resource for facilitators and those who are interested in engaging discussions around systems and the method of systems constellation.

Become a member of the International Systems Constellation Association (ISCA):

ISCA serves as a hub & holder of systemic constellation work in all its settings and applications, for present and future generations of constellators.

Find a facilitator in the USA

Andrea Bosbach Largent, MSW, SFT has generously offered a directory of facilitators in the United States of America.

Where on earth can you find a facilitator?

Compiled by Cecilio Regojo, Talent Manager, this link can direct you to facilitators in various states in the United States as well as many other countries in the world.  Cecilio, an international trainer and facilitator has generously provided this resource for many years and information on his workshops can be found elsewhere on this same site.

Purchase books, DVD’s and systems constellation related materials:

The Hellinger Institute of DC is an on-line location where facilitators, and those who wish to learn more about systems constellation may find books, DVD’s and other tools that support facilitation of family Constellation.